Cracow Symposium on Physics and Chemistry of Materials  (CSPCM2016)

May 6, 2016, Cracow, Poland

Abstract submission

1) Download the CSPCM2016_abstract_template.doc

2) Prepare your abstract in DOC or RTF file format,

3) Save your abstract file under the name: Author-Surname.doc (or *.rtf),

4) The maximum size of the (extended) abstract (including Figures) is two A4 pages,

5) Send your abstracts to the email-address:

6) Indicate your preference: oral or poster presentation.

Due to the limited time-scheme of the symposium, only a very limited number of the oral presentations will be selected upon receiving the abstracts.

The deadline for obtaining the abstract is March 15, 2016.

The book of program and abstracts will be printed. The pdf file will be also prepared.