Cracow Symposium on Physics and Chemistry of Materials  (CSPCM2016)

May 6, 2016, Cracow, Poland


  • d- and f-electron systems,
  • metal hydrides,  
  • advanced materials,   
  • magnetic materials,   
  • superconducting materials,   
  • nanostructured materials, 
  • functional materials. 

Due to the limited time-scheme of the symposium, only a very limited number of the oral presentations will be selected upon receiving the abstracts. 
The program of CSPCM2016 is based on invited talks (30 min.) and oral talks (15 minutes) in six scientific sessions as well as one poster session. 
Within the scope of CSPCM2016, we organize the so-called “one-minute one-slide poster presentation”. Namely, the author of each poster will have one minute for one slide show to all participants. We hope that he/she will be then able to catch more people to be interested in his/her work and results presented in the poster.